Why is this woman smiling?

After completing our fifth week in Berlin and in German Language School, we celebrated with a Mexican meal at Potsdamer Platz.  (Can you say non sequitur?)

We also had a nice visit this afternoon with Simone Benner, the deaconess at FEG-Pankow.  We learned about a shopping center in Pankow that we had never seen, and we learned that one of the church’s elders is a published author of mysteries–about Pankow.  I bought one of his recent books (in German, of course) and hope to have most of it read by the time I see him on Sunday.  Simone is herself a talented artist, proof of which I hope she’ll post on Facebook soon.

Just to remind you that Berlin is a hip big city with a lot of energy, here is a picture of Potsdamer Platz taken earlier tonight.  Sonia Rykiel is doing pretty well for a 79-year-old isn’t she?

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